Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Beneficial Migrant and the Open Borders Virus

Now that the U.S. is under a travel ban, how do illegal migrants stay here and benefit? I like how my tax dollars worked for me like getting Section 8, food stamps and welfare that I paid into. NOT!  I was too “OVER QUALIFIED TO RECEIVE”. Yet, these freeloaders stay here and not pay their fair share into the system.

With a lot of Countries instituting a travel ban policy, what does the U.S. plan on doing to curb the border crossers? Nada!!! Nunca!!! How do we know that they cannot bring any new coronavirus cases across the border and possibly infecting the Border Patrol Agents?

Why is there not a ban in place on the Southern U.S. Border to turn back all of the border crossers? 

I know why, cheap Labor.

Bernie Sanders, why would I vote for you or any other Sitting Bull (flaming manure artists), that protect immigrants over U.S. citizens. 

An automatic policy needs to be in a place that forces their return to their Country as required by law.  Maybe I should cheat the U.S. Government like they or anybody else that benefits from illegal migrants that stay here.  How is it that European Countries have the travel ban (a small risk factor) compared to millions of freeloaders that cross every day?  These border violators place major risk factors upon Americans because they are not stopped immediately. Not fair! They can transmit diseases and commit crimes as well. 


Caribbean Countries are an additional liability provoking those desperate enough to either cross or return to the U.S. illegally.  We need to institute Martial Law on their asses and now. Make my tax dollars work for me and not for them.  I don’t hate them, I hate that illegals benefit and receive without having the legal rights to stay in America. 

Card me!

Entry and Exit Requirements 
There are no restrictions in place as a result of the worldwide outbreak. Really Mehico?! I got your answer, Stop coming over here, we don’t want you here messing up the U.S. when your Country is already F----d-up!!!

Travelers to Mexico do not require any additional documentation to enter/exit beyond standard travel documentation. Hey Sir, that’s your problem!

Mexico has not implemented active border screening measures at ports of entry.
So immediately stop the Aid to the Country, pay for the wall and make the Mexican President control the borders of their own Citizens and other migrants from crossing into the U.S. territory. Take the damn funding now and use it for the Wall, what the hell are we waiting for?!

Quarantine Information: 
There are currently no quarantine measures in effect.

Entry and Exit Requirements 
Medical personnel from the Ministry of Public Health conduct temperature screening for all arriving passengers on international flights arriving at the airports in Port au Prince and Cap Haitian before passengers access immigration processing. Airports have designated facilities for further screening if passengers exhibit possible symptoms of COVID-19. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is providing training and technical support to Haitian health authorities should a potential COVID-19 case be detected.

They can stay in Haiti anyway, we don’t need Travelers Diarrhea, Cholera, Malaria,  or Hepatitis A. 

No one is tested when coming over but, we are the ones quarantined!!!! Nice scenario.


Entry and Exit Requirements
Are there any new restrictions in place as a result of the worldwide outbreak? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked that persons currently in China defer travel to Guyana and cited increased safety measures that may result in mandatory quarantine or denial of entry. According to the Ministry of Public Health, increased surveillance measures are in effect at Guyana’s sea, air, and land ports. Same thing as Haiti, Travelers Diarrhea, Cholera, Malaria,  or Hepatitis A. No mention of testing.

Releasing illegal migrants into the U.S. will increase the spread of the virus and other diseases not known.  This is socially, morally and economically irresponsible. There should be no exception.

Democratic New York Rep. Grace Meng called on acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] Director Matt Albence to stop enforcing immigration laws and cease conducting raids until after the 2020 census process ends due to concerns that illegal immigrants would be frightened. {Best joke she ever told, she should keep her day job.}

“When you look at the public safety threats, and the bad people that we are arresting, we’re certainly not in a position where I can say, 'We’re going to stop enforcing the immigration laws so that the census can be done,'" Albence said. “That means that murderers, rapists, human traffickers, gang members alike are going to be able to walk with impunity among us.”

“That’s our job to get them off the street, and we do it every day.”

They should not be counted in the Census. They should not get a "PASS" on illegal entry when they are not entitled to federal benefits. This is the problem. The individual states and the Federal Government are to blame for ignoring Immigration Laws to their benefit ”illegally” pun intended. The travel ban needs inclusion for all Illegal traveling immigrants. CLOSE THE BORDER NOW!

So, You LawMakers,  stop flaking on your voters who got you into Office and do the right thing and Really Put America First.

So now that the quarantine has been in full effect, now they are here within the Country, what do they plan on doing since now the Stimulus money has started rolling out. Will they complain, NO, should they get the money, NO, are they paying their share into the economy, NO. It’s all going back to their native Country. That was your stimulus.  Don’t get greedy and hope now that it makes you think about going back home. 
We pay your Country to help out and you leave? Well, keep going and don’t look back. We want our Section 8, food stamps and welfare back to those that pay into the system.

Yours Truly
 Ameri Kahn Sitizsen

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